New Commentary Added to SE!
Sunday, September 28, 2014 at 11:41AM
J + L in Indie Game the Movie, Twitch, audio commentary, edmund, mcmillen, northernlion, refenes, tommy, video game documentary

Earlier this Summer, IGTM turned two (?!)  and to commemorate, Tommy & Edmund did a live, streaming commentary over on Twitch - hosted by the always entertaining Northernlion

Third Commentary:  This was indeed, Ed and Tommy’s THIRD audio commentary track.  The first was part of the original IGTM release, and the second was commentary on the Special Edition content (both available when you buy the movie).  Each one is absolutely hilarious.  It’s basically, like watching a brand new, much funnier version of IGTM.  And, of course, it’s filled with tons of insight. 

The anniversary commentary is more of that.  Super fun, funny and info-rich.

Available Now: We recorded the anniversary commentary, and recently released it as part of the digital Special Edition (available here).  Currently, this audio commentary is only available on, but if you have the Special Edition over on Steam, we plan to include this commentary in the next update as well.

Above is a snippet of the commentary.  If you already have the Special Edition from this site, it should be available in your account.  If you haven’t purchased the Special Edition, you can purchase it as a bundle with the original movie, or you can simply buy the Special Edition content itself.  

 Again, huge thanks to Northerlion, Ed and Tommy for doing this.  



Article originally appeared on Indie Game: The Movie - A Video Game Documentary (
See website for complete article licensing information.